Monday, August 5, 2013

I'm Back!!

Well hello there friends and family in blog land.....if you are reading this it is because you are wanting some updates and filler ins on the comings and goings of my ever lasting surrogacy journey.
I am so glad you are here and I can't thank you enough for the support and love that I have had from so many of you already.
A lot of time has passed since my last entry. I was sad, defeated and a little confused as to where my surrogate journey would eventually take me. This roller coaster ride has had ups, downs, twists, turns....all leading to somewhere, just not fully known. While many thought my ride was going to end, I wasn't ready to get off yet, I still was craving the unknown adventure that I had waited for and invested so much time and emotion in.
And here we are........first, lets update.
Last year after my first couple decided to leave the program I immediately was re-matched with a wonderful local couple. Their story was heartbreaking and Tim and I were anxious to work with them. After a quick medical clearance we were at transfer day within just weeks and on the road to pregnatville. After a positive pregnancy test and u/s, sadly the heartbeat stopped at about 6 weeks. Devastated for the IP's (intended parents) and for myself, I wasn't sure as to what would happen.....(The IP's eventually decided to move on and re-matched with another surrogate per their RE's (reproductive endocrinologist) advice.
 After 2 miscarriages, would I still be a candidate for surrogacy? Would anyone want to take a chance on me and what seemed to be my bad luck......My agency was super positive and very supportive of me and after many medical tests to ensure that I was still a good candidate for surrogacy they found me the most perfect and amazing IP's ever.....
I was re-matched with Mike and Ernie (M & E) in early Spring of this past year , 2013. They were all set to go, egg donor in place, research acquired, doctor of all they had ZERO expectations. This was their first go at any attempt of baby making and what a RELIEF this past 2 couples had gone through YEARS of disappointment, carried the burden of infertility on their breaking shoulders and were DESPERATE for a baby.....M & E were such a breath of fresh air; not stressing over little things, wanting what was best for me and EXCITED for the journey........happily, we were matched and the journey began on Memorial Day 2013.
2 perfect embryos were implanted and I am happy to announce that one took and  a beautiful baby is on it's way, due date is February of 2014.
Relief has been pouring through me since the first u/s. I am so happy that my body has been able to help in this process of creating a new life and a new family for M & E. I have taken my time announcing this news to people....I am careful about how I approach the subject as I know the importance of my words and the weight of them. My children are being told slowly and meaningfully as I want them to be a part of the whole process and to be with us every step of the way. What an amazing thing for them to be a part of.
I am appreciative of the support I have gotten so far, I am hopeful that the people I choose to surround myself with and bring into my intimate circle will continue to love and support my family through this awesome adventure.
I am excited to share this journey with you....cheers to an amazing 6 more months!!!

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