Friday, September 30, 2011


Today was one of those days that you know you are going to remember for the REST of your life. It is almost surreal because it is like you are completely in the present, but can look into the future at the same time and know that 10 years from now, I will remember everything about this day.
Here is the background...
J&E flew in this week for an ultrasound and of course the retrieval (yes, scary crazy that we are at this stage already!) and will be staying around for the transfer. Today I also had an appointment for an ultrasound to see how this girls uterus and all those other fun parts are stacking up under the influence of all these awesome meds. I have been injecting. So everything was coordinated so that our appointments were at similar times and then we could go out to lunch afterwards.
I was really nervous. I don't know why...well maybe I know why....I have only met them in person once, back in May, we have e-mailed a bit back and forth, but have not had any one on one interactions. I just really wanted to make another good impression,  kind of to hammer it down that "yes, I am the perfect person to carry your child for 9 months, then give birth to such child and then hand over to you such child". Silly I know, cuz they already decided to have me be their surrogate and we have been plugging along here for quite some time, still......
After a CRAZY drive to LA, I somehow still managed to get to the appointment early and after coming out of the lab where my blood was drawn, again, I saw J & E crossing the lobby. J is super tall and super French and super easy to spot. E is super, crazy, ridiculously tiny and just oozes Parisian style; que in beautiful Chanel ballet flats, Hermes scarf, tailored pants,she is by all means perfectly French. We both saw each other and immediately I felt it...this crazy, awesome feeling. "This is right, this is perfectly right" I said to the final piece to the puzzle.....together we all are one surro team that fits "just right".
Greetings, hugs, super cool French air kisses followed and then we got down to baby makin biz-nass.

2 ultrasounds later (one for me and one for E) we found out that she has 4 perfectly beautiful eggs and I have a "textbook" uterus, ah thankyouverymuch.......:) We all left leaving the office in great spirits and headed to Brentwood at a little "casual" Italian restaurant that J & E had picked out.  By casual, I mean, I swear I saw Kyle from Real Housewives and maybe used the same restroom as someone that could or could have not been on TV.....but honestly, it didn't even phase me. I was so tuned in to J & E and we were in our own little world...laughing, eating, talking, smiling......It was at this table in the middle of this little outdoor cafe that I realized, I am so happy. I am so incredibly happy to be doing this for these deserving people. It feels insanely good to risk something for someone else. Everyday my life is all about my kids, my husband and maybe a little about me. But to step out of my little bubble and extend myself feels SO damn good.
So 2 hours later full of pasta, cheese that I do not even know how to pronounce, but is so stinkin good, and delicious bread we left our little cafe. But before we left we made a big cheers...glasses raised, glances cast and smiles adorned and me declaring us "team baby"!!
Stay tuned, next week will hopefully be the big TRANSFER.....toes crossed, fingers crossed, prayers whispered for me, pretty please???


  1. Sooo happy for all of you! I have a great feeling about this and know next week will be perfect. I'm feelin' twins!! :)

  2. You are on the right path!.. just reading your words tells it all. You followed your heart and listen to your soul. We are proud of you! xoxo
