Friday, September 23, 2011


So I haven't had much to report lately. A lot of this process involves waiting and perfect timing. It is crazy how the medical field can manipulate nature to make this all happen. They are having to literally sync my body up with E's. But so far so good. I have never been so predictable. Never!!
I started Lupron about 2 weeks ago. My fellow surros call it,  "Loopy on Lupron". Yes, the first day was hell, but I recovered and since then it really hasn't been too awful. Injecting myself on a daily basis with a hormone is pretty gnarly and def. something I never though that I could pull off......Tim watched me one night sticking the needle in my stomach and was really impressed......I just shrugged it off as it was no big deal, but to be honest, every night I really dread doing it. I have an alarm on my phone to remind me of when to take the med. and I probably wait until 2 hours later to actually do it. I try not to complain and put myself where E is and has been....she has gone through this ordeal 14 times and failed 14 times. Now that is a hell I would never want to live through.
This week I added yet another hormone....estrogen patches. I have to wear them on my lower abdomen 24 hours a day for 2 days at a time, then switch them out with 2 different patches. The first night I put them on I had a pounding, not so pretty, leave mom alone headache. I crawled into bed and didn't come up for air until I was needed by Carter to turn on the TV the next morning. That too passed and I am feeling a little better now that my body is regulating itself back to "normal". Again, trying not to complain here as I go through any of this, because at the end of the day, my arms are full with my babies to hold and E's are still empty.....
I heard from E yesterday and she said she had gotten her period, which is what we were waiting for, so it is looking like the transfer might be early October...holy smokies, but SO exciting...I got a bit of goosebumps when I read those words. But that being said it is TOTAL perfect timing (insert my very sarcastic voice here), you might say, since we just bought a house and are planning to start moving and packing that VERY SAME WEEK!!! oops!! Looks like awesome, bestest, amazing hubby is going to shoulder much of that this time...shucks!! I am trying to convince him of that this is an opportunity to actually hire MOVERS!!! Wow, what a concept.....:)
So that is it for more when I know more........

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